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7 Days to Die: Tutorial Quests

So you’ve just loaded in to a server for the first time, and a message pops up on the screen. Now you have a few quests to do, and we’ll walk you through them here.

What Are the Tutorial Quests?

Before we get started, you should know a bit about what the starting quests are and their purpose. In 7 Days to Die, the tutorial quests are a series of 8 quests that are designed to teach the player the basic elements of the game. The quest line is called Basic Survival, and it is a unique quest because it causes yellow markers to appear above resources and items that are associated with each quest. For example: when wood is required to complete a task, you will see the yellow hammer and bricks icon floating above dead bushes. When you complete all 8 tutorial quests, you will be rewarded with the location of the nearest trader and 4 skill points to spend as you wish. Visit the trader for extra experience points.
Tutorial quests in 7 Days to Die

Why Didn't I Receive the Tutorial Quests?

Logging into a new world without the starting quest message is a common bug in 7 Days to Die. The only fixes for this are to either restart your world (singleplayer), or spawn in a quest note. If you are in singleplayer you can do this by turning on the Cheats option, then pressing U in-game to open the creative menu. If you are playing on one of our servers, ask a team member to give you a quest note and we will get it for you as soon as possible.

Getting Started

It’s finally time to learn the basics of survival! When you load into a new world this message is displayed, and you are now tasked with completing 8 objectives that will teach you the basic mechanics of the game. The first task is to craft a bedroll using plant fibers. Gather 10 plant fibers by punching bushes and patches of grass, then open the crafting menu using tab and craft a bedroll.

Crafting Tools

Now that you have a place to sleep, it’s time to start crafting tools. Gather 2 plant fibers, 2 small stone, and 2 wood to craft your very own stone axe! Now you have the power to cut down trees and upgrade blocks. You’re not done yet! Collect 5 plant fibers and craft yourself a pair of plant fiber pants to keep the elements at bay.

Weapons and Ammo

Once you gather enough materials to craft a bow and arrow, you should be ready to face the zombies! But you need to remember to be prepared for any situation, and that includes making sure that you have enough reserve ammo for any encounter. You can loot bird nests for feathers to make more arrows, and small stones can be used to make the arrowheads. As you progress further in your world, you’ll soon unlock the ability to craft iron and then steel arrowheads. Archery is a great skill if you prefer a stealth-based style of gameplay. If you prefer a more “in your face” style of gameplay, you’ll really enjoy the different guns that are available in the game. You can craft pipe weapons right from the start, but you won’t be able to craft ammo until you unlock the chemistry station. For now, conserve ammo that you loot and stick with either a melee weapon or the bow.

Building Your Base

Weapons can only get you so far. You’ll need to build yourself a base to stay safe at night and store your items, and you’ll need one thing to get started: building blocks. Craft a building block out of wood, then place it on the ground and right-click with your stone axe to upgrade it with reserve wood in your inventory. Congratulations! You’re a real survivor now, prepared to take on any zombie that may stumble in your direction. The only thing left to do is to craft a campfire to cook food. Collect 5 small stones, then craft a campfire and place it on top of your upgraded building block. You now have a personal outdoor kitchen! You now have all the skills that you will need to survive in Navezgane. Trader Jen would be very proud of you! Reward yourself by spending your 4 skill points in the skills menu (on your keyboard).